Anxiety-Free 2021 Replay

The Quiet Your Mind Program

Begins February 5th!


Join us for daily videos, 3 live coaching calls, access to retreats and other bonuses!

The world is loud.  Your mind doesn’t have to be.

The Possibilities of the Quiet Your Mind Program

Living anxiety-free, with a quiet mind and relaxed body is possible.  Too many of us are struggling, especially given the current state of the world…

And yes, the world IS loud. But your mind doesn’t have to be!


If the hamster-wheel in your head:

  • Worries overs the ‘what if’s
  • Obsesses with problem solving
  • Chirps with an negative voice
  • Confuses itself sticking you in un-healthy patterns

Then you’re not alone.  Sixteen years ago, I was there too.


For years my inner world rocked while the surface seemed perfect. I had, after lots of therapy and hard work, created an enviable life.

I had a master’s degree, held a job at a fast-paced hospital (my dream!) and had a growing support system of friends and family.

But that storm in my mind… 


I took a long journey to find relief and I learned some surprising information along the way.

The ‘problem’ wasn’t out there (aka the world).

It also wasn’t inside (aka me).

There was a way that the two worked together and something beyond it too that had to come into harmony.

Once it did… FREEDOM! And S P A C E…  

I have since helped thousands of people quiet their minds by looking at the mind / world / body connection differently.


I’m happy to invite you to join us in this journey!  The next round of Quiet Your Mind: A 21-Day Program starts February 5th!