Anxiety Free Podcast Bundle

Listen Now: Your Path to Peace in a Noisy World

Welcome to a world where anxiety doesn’t rule your days. Whether you’re seeking morning rituals, evening calm, or in-the-moment relief, I’ve got you covered. 

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Anxiety Be Gone!  Relief in the next 10-seconds…

I walk you through my go-to trick for immediate in-the-moment anxiety relief. (14-minutes)


Proactive Anxiety Tool (Morning Routine)

A powerful imagery tool and meditation to quiet your mind, calm your body, and create space in your emotional landscape. (14-minutes)


Finding Peace in Modern Life

A-ha’s, tools and exercises on combating over-stimulation, energic noise and being reactive to other people. (14-minutes)



Enjoy this video from Lauren’s 10-part Rules of the Road: How to Navigate Life with Ease


#10 You’re More Aware Than You Think (& It’s Impacting More Than You Know)


Click here to watch the full 10-part video series.


Check out other episodes and subscribe to The Lighten Up Podcast

Meet Your Host

Lauren Polly knows first-hand how a mental health diagnosis can also mean a life of labels, stigma and limitation. After exploring alternative modalities along with traditional treatment, she discovered the importance of treating the whole person – body, mind, and soul.

She discovered that she is a gifted empath who is keenly aware of others and her environment. Her entire life changed when she reclaimed those gifts beyond her diagnosis.

Now, she shares her transformative path to help those with similar stories reclaim their own gifts. Lauren is also a speaker and executive life coach. She works with leaders to trail-blaze their unique mission-driven work in the world.

Lauren received her Master’s degree from the University of Virginia in Communication Disorders with a focus in Speech and Language Pathology. She is the author of, The Other Side of Bipolar, an internationally best-selling and multi-award-winning book.